For so many years I have dedicated myself as an artist by using it as a therapy to balance myself with creativity. I draw, and I take pictures. I listen to music, I make art and create new goals. My most dedicated project I have worked on includes working with Layla Love and photographing her as my subject. She is my subject, my muse, my work of art. I explain her story through my camera. I have been dedicated to her and the making of this revolutionary project since 2000. I have photographed her with all of her lovers, in the hospital, and documented her day to day activities.
My life as of now is consumed by producing a book in hopes that it will get all of the accolades it deserves. Our goal, as business partners is to create art for humanity by publishing two books in unison highlighting two separate perspectives of Layla's life. This is a documentary of her not only to highlight her uniqueness but also to produce art as a means to address world issues by focusing on the power of the feminine and encouraging onlookers to see the reality of the truth in how unfair this human society is on a national and international scale. (This is a bold statement, but will be an attempt as artists to express what we believe in) Last night I read an article in Time magazine about Afghanastan and the education systems they have there. Women are only just now, since the fall of the Taliban beginning to be allowed to have education. Women are not allowed to tempt the male by distracting him or surpassing him with knowledge. It makes me realize how far we really have come in this fascinating world of ours but how long it takes to accomplish change. We as americans are lucky. but we aren't there even yet. I am lucky. But at times I do feel at a disadvantage because of my sex. I have been encouraged by film, books, lectures and conversations among friends how little people don't even realize that there still is an existing inequality.... At times however, I do believe that there are roles that men and women choose to follow because it is what we know how to do, it is our gender role to follow the guidelin

es because it is safe.
We are here, Layla and I and a team of strong people, friends, activists, parents and children . We are here, working together to re-direct awareness to a meaningful fight. A fight for amnesty, a fight to survive our kind, a fight to better the world for our children to come.